School Fees

​​​​​​​In order to meet the expenses incurred in the running of our school, each family is expected to contribute so that the cost is spread fairly. A family contribution takes the form of fees. These are set in November each year in consultation with the School Board, Brisbane Catholic Education and the Parish Finance Council. Four accounts are sent home per year (one each term).Parents have the following options of payment :

  • Direct debit
  • Eftpos/Credit Card
  • Cheque / Cash
  • B Pay

School fees go towards paying costs such as salaries, teaching/learning resources, rates, insurance, electricity, telephone and school administration.

An account is forwarded by the school office at the beginning of each term, (four terms). If the account is not received, parents are asked to contact the school secretary. Parents are asked to budget their own resources so that payment is made by the due date. Parents may choose to pay off the account weekly or monthly. If, due to unforeseen circumstances, payment cannot be made by the due date, a meeting with the Principal is both expected and appreciated.

Where families are genuinely unable to make the full fee commitment parents are asked to make an appointment with the School Principal to discuss a concession.

If an account is overdue and we have not heard from the family concerned, the School Fee Collection Policy, in line with Brisbane Catholic Education Guidelines, will be put into place. As its final step, unpaid school fees will be put into the hands of collection agencies, when agreement for payment by families is not able to be made​.

Should a student leave the school during a school term, written notification must be forwarded to the Principal. All school resources are to be returned to the School.

At the Principal's discretion, an adjustment to the Statement of Fees and Levies may be applied based on the number of weeks the student attended the school during the term. If any fees remain outstanding, they will be payable as per the normal payment terms and where appropriate, any fees in credit will be refunded.​ 

​​​2025 School Fee Schedule - Yearly.pdf