Parents and Friends

The P&F provides a formal focal point for all parent support activities within the school community. A number of sub groups provide support for teachers and students as well as an opportunity for parents to participate in their child's education and to enjoy the fellowship of other parents.

P&F meetings are held in the Staff Room from 6pm on the second Thursday of each month. Meetings are not held during school holidays.

The Meeting dates are noted on the website calendar. The minutes of previous P & F Meetings can be accessed via the P&F section of the Parent Portal.

The P & F Executive Committee members are:

  • President – Peter Kavadis -
  • Vice President – Michael Bona​ -
  • Secretary – Gabrielle Cooke and ​Mark Parker​ ​ -
  • Treasurer – Daniel Cox​ -
  • Events Treasurer – TBC  -


The Annual General Meeting is held in May when the election of new Executive and Committee members takes place.

​Sub-Committees and Support Groups meet as required and include the following:

P&F Committee - assists the Executive in the various P&F events (Welcome Back BBQ,  Working Bees, World Teachers' Day).

Fete Committee - organises/manages the annual school fete.​

​Parent Events Committee – coordinates key social events that bring the parent body together in a relaxed social setting, including the Mother’s Lunch and Parent’s Night Out.

Other services the P&F manage as part of the school activity include operating the school Tuckshop and managing the lost property.    

If you would like to contact the P & F please send your email to

Useful Downloads

Parent Carer Guardian Code of Conduct 2024.pdf

Constitution final 080510.pdf

