Each child at Mt Carmel participates in Music, Drama, Physical Education and Japanese (Years 5-6) lessons led by specialist teachers.
The Arts
Every year at Mt Carmel there is an annual school production. This musical and dramatic production is the culmination of the learning outcomes for the Drama and Music strands of the Arts Syllabus. All students from Prep to Year Six perform in this annual event.
All children have the option to participate in our Junior and Senior Choir program. Choirs participate in many concerts and performances across the year including the Queensland Catholic Music Festival (QCMF).
Our user paid instrumental music program is also an option offering tuition in a wide range of instruments including: Strings, Percussion, Keyboard, Vocal and Guitar. Symphony music oversee this program
Physical Education
At Mt Carmel we believe that physical education and sport are an integral part of the curriculum. Emphasis is given to developing within each child a positive attitude towards participation and competition.
The school has a P.E. program which includes fitness, skills and team games components. The fitness component continues throughout the year, the skills and team games component varies according to the season.
At Mt Carmel School we have a PE teacher and students from all classes attend PE lessons each week. There are also opportunities for children to participate in various Zone and District sports. We have "out of school hours" teams such as touch football for children to participate. We have a range of Interhouse and Interschool Sport for students in Years 3-6. Mt Carmel School also has an annual Athletics Carnival, Cross Country Carnival and Swimming Carnival.
LOTE - Japanese
Our LOTE (Japanese) program is offered to children in years 5-6 with weekly lessons taught by a specialist teacher. Students participate in lessons aimed at developing their understanding of Japanese language and culture.